panzade wrote:
I'd like to ask you snood.
In your opinion. Is Joe Biden right when he says we are in Afghanistan without clear goals. Should we support Obama if he increases troop levels?...or is this just another nasty Vietnam?
My opinion has come a ways inover the last 18 months or so. I started out thinking that our involvement in Afghanistan was a moral imperative, precipitated by our pursuit of those responsible for 9/11. I was happy Obama seemed to be trying to refocus on Afghanistan and away from Iraq.
I was shaken when I saw that the goalposts were moving, much as they did about Iraq under Bush. I found myself asking why we're there, and what was the depth of our commitment to stay?
Right now, I honestly think Obama is agonizing about how many to send, because sending men to possibly die may be the CIC's job, but I bet it isn't easy for someone with a conscience.
I don't know if Biden is right, or if General McChrystal is right, but if I could wave a magic wand and make it so, I'd have us catch and kill Bin Laden, withdraw and conduct poppy field and Taliban killing with special ops and unmanned drones.