Thu 15 Oct, 2009 07:43 am
When my mother was in her early 20s she dabbled a bit in the occult and apparently summoned a being. She refuses to acknowledge any actions she took to call the being but my sisters and I know that it exists and has existed with her for the last 20+ years. What kind of action would call a being to a person, to follow them and move from house to house with them for over 20 years, and is there anything I can do to help the entity, and set it free?
How do YOU know that it exists?
If your mother believes it and it has been a positive thing for her, why interfer with it?
Some people call it an angel or the holy spirit.
Does your mother like the entity and why does it bother you?
because I've talked and seen with it, as well as my sisters, as well as my mother, all on separate occasions. My mother and oldest sister knew the entity before I was even born, I didn't learn that they knew it until I was 20 years old. My mother calls it a demon that tried to deceive her by showing kindness to her when she needed it most. I don't know how that makes it a demon but she is convinced it is bad.
My mother does not like the entity she is convinced its a demon. It doesnt bother me, I feel kinda fond of it. I havnt seen it or heard from it in 5 years since I've moved out but since I grew up with it from the time I was born and have always known it I miss it alittle and wonder what its up to and if its still bound to my mother.
Maybe you can talk your mother into telling what she did, if you give her to understand that you are trying to transfer the spirit's attentions to yourself. You do seem more kindly disposed to it than she.
It's not your entity.
Find yourself a nice one to be yours.
Ask your mother how she "summoned" one - (and let us know)
I suppose I'll be the one to just say I very strongly doubt some ghost.
My daughter in law was pregnant with twins, early in the pregnancy one twin was absorbed by the other, after the birth -- of my grandson, at about the age of about 3, he began talking about his friend who he called Henry - I think.
He continued to talk about Henry for years, but eventually forgot about him. We always said it was the absorbed twin, but he - was very real to my grandson, he used to talk to him all the time but never in company.