@The Pentacle Queen,
The Pentacle Queen wrote:What is spirituality? pq
In my opinion,
spirituality is the consensus of people who live in spirit,
as distinct from those who inhabit material bodies.
This applies, particularly, to people whose material vehicles have
worn out and become dysfunctional. After returning to re-inhabit
their material Earthly bodies, those people have informed us
that a Judgment Day exists; u r then the judge of how well
u did in that incarnation, according to 2 criteria:
1. Love
2. Learning.
These criteria have been reported on a 100% basis,
of those who had a (remembered) Life Review Experience.
Those experiences are reported to take place in the Presence
of a Being of Light of (intuited) very great intelligence and unconditional Love.
It is my opinion, that "
being spiritual"
is running one 's life by those 2 criteria.
I believe that u shoud get extra credit
if u employed fonetic spelling; I 'll c if I can get a 3rd criterion added.