perception wrote:Hey Bear:

OK---I'll say it------Bush was president on 9/II/2001 and he alone is responsible for: Removing the Taliban from Afghanistan which allowed women and children to return to school and work
Except for the fact that the Taliban is making a comback in many parts of the country, Chaos rules thanks to competing warlords,and Karzai maintains his position as the mayor of Kabul only with constant US bodyguards. Oh yeah,and what about that Osama guy?
Quote:----for removing Stalin # 2 (Saddam) from power
Whilst blaming the violence in Iraq on Saddam still being in power.
Quote: and sending his two evil sons to heaven/hell
If it was indeed Oday and Qusay who were killed, rather than captured and brought to trial, which would have lent the US intervention some legitimacy. Of course, had they gone to trial, I'm sure they would have had information "inconvenient" to Georgie-PooII and his evil cronies.
Quote:----implementing changes to bring recovery to the economy after Clinton sent many of the manufacturing jobs out of the country with NAFTA
Of course, unemployment still rises, jobs are being exported overseas, and the Bush administration grants tax cuts to the wealthy,and tax breaks to corporations that move their headquarters overseas to avoid paying more taxes, while the poor have their benefits cut.
Quote:- ---preventing another attack on this country by requesting congress implement the Patriot act
Which was passed by a cowardly congress that never got a chance to read it, and has eroded valuable civil liberties,and has led to unjust detainment of both citizens and non-citizens.
Quote: and other actions to capture and disrupt al Queda.
Who have had an increase in membership and support thanks to Bushy-Poo II's heavy handed foreign policy.
Quote:For rejecting a bilateral deal with North Korea which they can cancel arbitrarily like the one they signed with Clinton
And downplaying the threat of a nuclear NK whilst banging drums for more ME wars.
Quote: and instead forcing China, Russia, South Korea, and Japan to accept their responsibility for enforcing nor-proliferation on the Korean penninsula.
A non-binding agreement that NK voluntarily withdrew from,and encouraging the ROK and Japan to enter the Nuclear club!