Thu 16 Oct, 2003 09:18 am
I could not find anything on this topic, so posting it...
Quote:How do you take this relativly new phenomenon
A surrogate mother is a woman who carries a child for someone else, usually an infertile couple. There are two different types of surrogacy. They are traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. Explanations for both types can be found below.
Traditional Surrogacy
In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the sperm of the intended father or sperm donor. The surrogate's own egg will be used, thus she will be the genetic mother of the resulting child.
Usually, the intended father's name is put directly on the birth certificate and the intended mother will need to do a step-parent adoption, however, laws regarding this issue vary from state to state. Consult a lawyer who is knowledgable about surrogacy laws in your state to learn more.
Gestational Surrogacy
In a gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mother is not genetically related to the child. Eggs are extracted from the intended mother or egg donor and mixed with sperm from the intended father or sperm donor in vitro. The embryos are then transferred into the surrogate's uterus. Embryos which are not transferred may be frozen and used for transfer at a later time if the first transfer does not result in pregnancy.
In many areas, the intended parents may petition the court during the third trimester of pregnancy to have both of their names placed directly on the birth certificate, however, laws regarding this issue vary from state to state. Consult a lawyer who is knowledgable about surrogacy laws in your state to learn more.
What exactly is the question ?
How do you take this relativly new phenomenon

Is this morally approvable ?
I know people who have done this, generally family members who can't have children and those that can. For some childless couples this is a miracle. I'm not sure about the morals/ethics when money is changed hands but if all parties are happy with the arrangement, far be it from me to challenge the desires to bring a child into a loving environment.
Morally approvable?
Who's morals? Approvable by whom? Who asked for their approval? Why is their approval needed or required?
Isnt adopting an abondoned child a rather better option than surrogating... isnt it degrading to womanhood...?
Best Regards
In my opinion surrogate motherhood is a good scientific breakthrough that helps alot of people to achieve their desire for having children. I do not think that it is immoral in any sense. In fact the surrogate mother provides a degree of sacrifice regardless of being compensated or not.
Adopting unwanted babies is also a good way to achieve people's desire for a baby. Personally I prefer someone that is part of me physically and genetically.
Parents are alwayus boasting about every little details about their children.
Some commonly heard conversation like:
Look, he has his father eyes and her mother nose.
I think he is going to a lawyer like her father.
She got a friendly smile like her mother.
People has a certain need to belong and it is easier to achieve this need by being a part of someone.
Ricardo_Tizon wrote:Parents are alwayus boasting about every little details about their children.
Some commonly heard conversation like:
Look, he has his father eyes and her mother nose.
I think he is going to a lawyer like her father.
She got a friendly smile like her mother.
People has a certain need to belong and it is easier to achieve this need by being a part of someone.
How are us adopted people supposed to feel about a comment like that.
And no, I've got nothing against surrogacy.
Until all children needing families have them, I see no need for surrogacy.
I often ask people why they want to have children. If it is to be parents, well then - go ahead - adopt. If it's to keep their genes in the pool, I usually just wonder how big their egos are.
My dad comes from a family of nine kids, one sister was adopted. Out of all my paternal cousins the only ones that look anything like my siblings are her kids. So much for blood.
Wilso, ever wonder why so many adopted children wants to know who their natural parents are? Probably for the same reason some of us favors surrogacy, that sense of belonging.
EhBeth, I must have a big ego for I want to have little Ricardos running around my house someday.
Ricardo_Tizon wrote:Wilso, ever wonder why so many adopted children wants to know who their natural parents are? Probably for the same reason some of us favors surrogacy, that sense of belonging.
EhBeth, I must have a big ego for I want to have little Ricardos running around my house someday.
Since I'm the one with the experience with adoption, while you've obviously got none, maybe you should shut the **** ** before you put you're foot even further down your throat. If that's possible.
I must have watch too many Oprahs, but that is the impression that I get.
One simple rule in life. Whatever is on those shows, the truth is probably the opposite.
If I was to search for my natural mother, as I may do one day, it would primarily be to seek out any other siblings. Particularly since my parents adopted my natural brother also. Very lucky I was.
from someone who cannot have children i think it is an amazing idea ... the want to carry a child for 9 months inside you and then watch it grow would be something i would love to experience ... Althought it is not likely at this stage i will be able to it would be great to see someone else do it for me . and an amazing gift from them . On the other hand i would also love to adopt to give a child a chance of a better life is something i would love to do.
I know several adopted people. And we've all got better relationships with our parents than any of the people I know who grew up with biological parents. Waaaay better.