Mon 5 Oct, 2009 05:54 am
UFOs & Government Cover Up ?
I watched the History Channel presentation
on this subject last night: very impressive.
Jimmy Carter, and 3 astronauts: Gordon Cooper, Neil Armstrong,
& Dr. Buzz Aldrin all refer to seeing UFOs on-the-job,
in addition to retired General Officers of the English, French and Belgian air forces,
American police officers on-the-job, astrophysistists,
referring to US Air Force cover-up.
Apparently, an E.T. ship landed at an American Air Base in England
in the 1950s, according to the testimony of a lt. colonel and several
non-commissioned officers who saw it close up.
I have no idea what is going on with UFOs.
We are very well off that thay don 't choose to throw their weight around
and get ruff with us.
Its hard to forget what became of the Indians
after Columbus arrived.
So, Do you think their guns are better than ours?
Wouldnt it be a shot to our egos if they were
2viewed us l;ike we view monkeys at a zoo. They just fly over for a vacation in a wilderness full of primitive creatures who take pleasure at offing each other.
SAo, I take it that your mind is open and leaning to accepting them as real? I suppose you say that crop circles are not of an earthly origin either?
If Extraterrestrials really ARE hanging around under the water
in the Bermuda and the Dragon 's Triangles (near Japan)
what the hell r thay DOING down there ??
Don 't thay get bored under there for so long ?
you are anthropomorphising too much. They are a different phylum and maybe they like water sports
Quote:In biology, a phylum (plural: phyla)[note 1] is a taxonomic rank below Kingdom and above Class. "Phylum" is equivalent to the botanical term division.[1]
Although a phylum is often spoken of as if it were a hard and fast entity, no satisfactory definition of a phylum exists. In fact, a phylum is perhaps best described as a statement of taxonomic ignorance.[2] Consequently the number of phyla varies from author to author. The relationship between different phyla is increasingly well known, and larger clades can be erected to contain many of the phyla.
An example of effemm's habitual propernsity to use words in order to baffle us all and to direct the golden rays of intellectual superiority onto his silly self.
Is "water sports" a crude joke or a signifier of sweet innocence in the respectable Christian tradition to be found in convent schools.
My scientific curiosity is aroused by the ad on this page for "Cheap Gas in Mildenhall" and I'm wondering if Dave's reference to "American air base in England" triggered its appearence automatically.
Dave-- if you prefer "ruff" to "rough" why not "weyt" to "weight?
A bit-yeah.. it's pissing down.
and those of you living in lissingdowne are advised to take an umbrella
Standard disclaimer:
I have not the least doubt that people see, or think they see, objects, or what they think are objects, which are flying, or which they think are flying, which they are then and subsequently unable to identify.
By the way, the History Channel bears exactly that relationship to history that Christian Science bears to science.
Set must think A2K is a pre-pubescent site.
how else can one explain spendius' probing commentary
I've found UFOs to be common; I often see objects that appear to be flying which I am unable to completely identify.
So far, they have all been of terrestrial origin.
if they are ufo's how did you come to that conclusion?
It easy. Set has me on Ignore and I enjoy making snidey remarks behind his back.
no sardonic kippers for breakfast then
thats an apostasy before god but ok behind his back