If my tone sounds angry,
that is only against the injustice of this discrimination,
not against u, Advocate.
Advocate wrote:
Quote:I think it is very speculative that Scalia made the comments to get Kennedy on board.
This is true; I was not there spying on them.
Advocate wrote:
Quote:We don't know exactly how Scalia thinks.
I don't see discrimination.
As it has existed,
gun control [unconstitutionally] renders it illegal for
some people to have the means
of preventing themselves from being torn apart.
That is discrimination: saying
"Its OK for u; its no good for u." Its not fair.
Advocate wrote:
Quote:People are allowed to have a holstered handgun,
and can also carry a rifle.
not in Chicago.
Advocate wrote:
Quote:In most places, a person can have a concealed weapon upon showing the need for his.
Therein lies the discrimination which screws th3em out of their right to live
and to remain intact, unless thay have the wisdom to do what
Americans did about another Prohibition in the 1920s.
Advocate wrote:
Quote:This right is very easy to get in some places.
AGAIN discrimination. Do u understand the
basic concept of discrimination?
Advocate wrote:
Quote:I know that you believe everyone, including children and ex-cons, should have the right to bear.
That is like saying
that u know that I believe that 5 + 5 shoud be 10.
HAVE that constitutional right, but government is sodomizing them for using it.
The Founders gave permission for government to exist
on condition
that some things shall remain beyond the reach of government's jurisdiction;
among these remain the right to keep and bear arms,
as it was for many years after the Bill of Rights was brought into existence in 1791.
Sentencing children to go around unarmed is the same, in principle,
to forcing them to play Russian Roulette because thay are young.
The death penalty shoud not apply to being young.
Children shoud be trained in school in the safe and competent use of defensive firearms,
upon the same principle that thay are taught to swim: their personal safety.
The law shoud be returned to the way it was
from the 1600s thru the early 1900s.
As to ex-cons,
men who have proven to be intolerably dangerous,
by their personal histories of recidivistic criminal violence shoud be prevented
from having access to the decent people.
As it is now, thay are simply released into society
upon the
fony presumption that thay have been rehabilitated
while thay were "paying their debt to society."
(I guess you hope that one of the latter would get to O.
What does "O" mean ?