MArk bowdens article was predicated on the fact that errors and outright lies underscored the events surrounding the crap that was being piled on Sotamayor for her "wise latina woman" statement. It turned out that both sides of the issue did NOT reserach the original speech, its context, and what she relly said. So thenews cycle demanded fuel and the error laced conclusions were mined by liberal and conservative sides equally. The very statement, A'Wise latina woman" is one that Mark couldnt find as actually written by the Fox news and CNN news boys. Bowden made apoint that a "Latina woman" is like saying "Pizzapie" so the word woman was added by the reporters who bought the content.
The recent movie, based upon a British tv miniseries, "STate of Play" has a backstory about how the "Bloggonews" is based upon hack writing by hack reporters who mine legitimate writers work and glom it to feed their need for cyclic content.