I disagree with Jespah's viewpoint.
Personally I think you should tell him it's not working and move on. Let him know that you aren't getting what you need out of the relationship, and while you love him, you respect yourself too much to settle for less / being unhappy in a relationship. Promises for the future aren't much if there's no building blocks for the present.
Long distance relationships do take two parties to make it work. Text messages and phone calls aren't enough (for the vast majority of people).
Let me put it to you this way - what do you need in a relationship to make you happy? Are you getting that from this relationship (the obvious answer btw, is 'no', or you wouldn't be posting what you posted). Are you going to respect your needs (basically if you don't he won't...which by the way, he isn't doing already)? Go after what you wan't (respectfully of course), otherwise you won't get it in your relationship. If you value his needs over your needs, then you will end up unhappy (basically it's a balancing trick, with you always keeping an eye on what you need to be happy... because if he won't, and you don't, no one else will - it's ultimately your responsibility)
Pay attention to your needs, and respect them.