The latest attacks from whiny Republicans again go beyond logic. Here is the "controversial" quote. Take a minute now and read it with an open mind.
Quote:"I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw - I saw this myself in the late 70's in San Francisco, this kind of - of rhetoric was very frightening and it gave - it created a climate in which we - violence took place. And so I wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements that are made, understanding that - that some of the people - the ears it is falling on are not as balanced as the person making the statement might assume."
What she is saying is plain enough:
1) There is heated political rhetoric that could easily be interpreted as a call to violence.
2) There is a risk that this rhetoric could lead to actual violence.
Now the Right all in tizzie-- part of it is that they are sore because people didn't take kindly when conservative members of congress referred to liberal congress people as "anti-american" (and yes they use that term). Speaker Pelosi never used or even implied this term-- although if you read the conservative knee-jerk reaction you might be confused about this.
Come on... people on the right are screaming about needing to water the tree of liberty with blood and running around with signs that say "we come unarmed this time" (some of them are even coming armed).
A call that we do whatever it takes to keep violence out of our politics should be supported by all sides.
Instead we are treated to another silly tantrum from a conservative movement that has taken a big step toward dangerously nuts.