Sofia wrote:Three Americans murdered in Gaza...
Hamas and the latest PA spokesman barely get their clothes on this morning to run out and say they didn't do it.
Who did it?
Will we become involved militarily now?
Interesting connect to Hamas.
Fulbright's Terrorist Tie
by Daniel Pipes & Asaf Romirowsky
New York Post
October 20, 2003
The Oct. 15 killing in Gaza had a bitterly ironic quality. The victims were three Americans, security personnel protecting an academic review committee en route to interview Palestinian applicants for the Fulbright program, an academic exchange funded and run by the U.S. government. The killers were Palestinian terrorists. The three, in other words, were murdered by Palestinians while on a humanitarian mission to help Palestinians.
But the irony runs deeper: According to the Israeli government, a current Fulbright scholar from the West Bank "is known as an activist" in Hamas - one of the terror groups suspected in the bombing
Mustafa Abu Sway just began teaching about Islam at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Jupiter, Fla. Superficially, he appears to be prime Fulbright material.
He has a Ph.D. from Boston College, is an associate professor of philosophy and Islamic studies at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem, has written two books on a medieval Muslim thinker and received an award from the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences in Berkeley.
But when we inquired about Abu Sway, the Israeli government informed us of his Hamas ties. How can a person belonging to a group that possibly killed Fulbright-related personnel himself receive a Fulbright award?
Full story