Re: US, Israel and Syria.
au1929 wrote:It seems odd that the attack of Syria by Israel and the sanctions of Syria now being voted on in congress should coincide so closely.
I don't know what new sanctions you are referring too, but it does not surprise me. Syrias status as an enemy of America has ebbed and flowed in line with thier willingness to bow to American policy interests. Our opinions about Syria changes on a monthly basis. So, no, it is not neccessarily anything more than the usual politics.
Quote:Is it possible that the Bush administration not only did not frown upon Israel's bombing of a target deep within Syria, but was in collusion with Israel and urged them to stage the attack? In addition IMO were it not for the US being overextended in Iraq, Syria would be getting the change of regime or else message?
Given that we have absolutely no information to indicate this belief, I don't know why you would think they are collaborating. Also, I doubt even the Bush administration would be so reckless as to invade Syria. Even Bush, in his seemingly endless ignorance, must know that attacking Syria would lead to universal alienation among his allies and far-reaching, possibly violent reactions from other Middle Eastern states.