Glenn Beck Scares Me

Debra Law
Reply Sun 30 Aug, 2009 04:55 pm
Thomas wrote:

Debra Law wrote:
"Them" are evil. The watchers of the Glenn Beck Show MUST continue to watch his show so he, the messiah of the watchers, can teach the watchers how to fearlessly take "them" on. That's the plan.

Sadly, Debra, I cannot trust your summary. You are, after all, evil.

Not if I become a watcher, a Beckbot, a faithful follower of faux news and the 5:00 p.m. messiah . . . then I wll be saved from evil . . . . Now let us pray--I mean, recite--from the John Lennon gospel:

"You say you want a revolution.
Well, you know,
We all want to change the world.
You say you'll change the Constitution,
Well, you know,
We all want to change your head.
You tell me it's the institution,
Well, you know,
You better free your mind instead.
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao,
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow.
Don't you know know it's gonna be all right."
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ebrown p
Reply Sun 30 Aug, 2009 05:11 pm
I think I said this before. But, I love Glenn Beck.

As a unabashed political partisan, there is nothing better than to have your opposition look more ridiculous than yourself. Glen Beck, and his followers, are so clearly off the wall crazy, so absurd and so easy to caricature-- it makes even the crazier parts of the left look sane.

The more these guys are on national TV, the better.
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Reply Sun 30 Aug, 2009 07:10 pm
. I'm a average non religious - non American.... But your Glenn Beck sounds very much like avid religious gun loving political extreme, who has perfected the art of being a white extremist in sheep's clothing... Hoping to convert others of his ilk... Very much like Hitler did to the German people
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Reply Mon 31 Aug, 2009 06:45 am
I didn't catch the plan, but he did find the C in OLIGARCH. Turns out it was right there in "czars".

I think this is not the first time he suggested to his followers that the revolution was coming to a theater near them. Perhaps he's got the tiger by the tail.
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Reply Mon 31 Aug, 2009 06:47 am
dyslexia wrote:

I can't imagine why anyone would be scared of glenn beck, he can only appeal to idiots who would continue to be idiots regardless of glenn beck.

Armed idiots. Armed feeling like marginalized victims idiots. You don't need that many to cause people harm. I'm not suggesting they have the power to accomplish anything more than, say, a federal building bombing.
Reply Mon 31 Aug, 2009 01:43 pm
FreeDuck wrote:

dyslexia wrote:

I can't imagine why anyone would be scared of glenn beck, he can only appeal to idiots who would continue to be idiots regardless of glenn beck.

Armed idiots. Armed feeling like marginalized victims idiots. You don't need that many to cause people harm. I'm not suggesting they have the power to accomplish anything more than, say, a federal building bombing.

cowards. frightened little cowards. and stupid, to boot.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 31 Aug, 2009 10:48 pm
save the republic from what, THE EVIL LIBERALS? Oh yeah, because spending money on somthing like reforming the health-care industry is so much more evil than spending the equivelant amount on something desctructive like war...

0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 03:08 pm
Speaking of people who scare me:
Extremists who oppose the president have begun fantasizing about a military coup to overthrow Obama.

Newsmax columnist John Perry wrote Tuesday that President Obama "is inviting" a military coup and that it might not be such a bad thing: "Imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the Constitution through an interim administration that would do the serious business of governing and defending the nation. Skilled, military-trained, nation-builders would replace accountability-challenged, radical-left commissars."

Newsmax subsequently took the column down. A spokesperson said in a statement, "Newsmax strongly believes in the principles of Constitutional government and would never advocate or insinuate any suggestion of an activity that would undermine our democracy or democratic institutions." She added that Perry "has no official relationship with Newsmax other than as an unpaid blogger. (Perry is a former senior editor at the site.) However, she also defended Perry's column, saying that he "clearly stated that he was not advocating such a scenario but simply describing one."

On the same day conservative talk-radio host Jim Quinn directly addressed U.S. troops, telling them that Obama is "gonna get you killed."

Media Matters points out that the appeals to the military follow a wave of rhetoric from the right suggesting that civilian violence against the government might be justified. Chuck Norris has asked if people are ready for "a second American Revolution." RedState's Erick Erickson has asked, "At what point do the people ... march down to their state legislator's house, pull him outside, and beat him to a bloody pulp?" Radio host Michael Savage declared recently that "we're going to have a revolution in this country."

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/30/obama-coup-fantasized-abo_n_304231.html

0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 03:15 pm
Here's the text of the column that was pulled:
Obama Risks a Domestic Military Intervention

By: John L. Perry

There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America's military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the "Obama problem." Don't dismiss it as unrealistic.

America isn't the Third World. If a military coup does occur here it will be civilized. That it has never happened doesn't mean it wont. Describing what may be afoot is not to advocate it. So, view the following through military eyes:

# Officers swear to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Unlike enlisted personnel, they do not swear to "obey the orders of the president of the United States."

# Top military officers can see the Constitution they are sworn to defend being trampled as American institutions and enterprises are nationalized.

# They can see that Americans are increasingly alarmed that this nation, under President Barack Obama, may not even be recognizable as America by the 2012 election, in which he will surely seek continuation in office.

# They can see that the economy -- ravaged by deficits, taxes, unemployment, and impending inflation -- is financially reliant on foreign lender governments.

# They can see this president waging undeclared war on the intelligence community, without whose rigorous and independent functions the armed services are rendered blind in an ever-more hostile world overseas and at home.

# They can see the dismantling of defenses against missiles targeted at this nation by avowed enemies, even as America's troop strength is allowed to sag.

# They can see the horror of major warfare erupting simultaneously in two, and possibly three, far-flung theaters before America can react in time.

# They can see the nation's safety and their own military establishments and honor placed in jeopardy as never before.

So, if you are one of those observant military professionals, what do you do?

Wait until this president bungles into losing the war in Afghanistan, and Pakistan's arsenal of nuclear bombs falls into the hands of militant Islam?

Wait until Israel is forced to launch air strikes on Iran's nuclear-bomb plants, and the Middle East explodes, destabilizing or subjugating the Free World?

What happens if the generals Obama sent to win the Afghan war are told by this president (who now says, "I'm not interested in victory") that they will be denied troops they must have to win? Do they follow orders they cannot carry out, consistent with their oath of duty? Do they resign en masse?

Or do they soldier on, hoping the 2010 congressional elections will reverse the situation? Do they dare gamble the national survival on such political whims?

Anyone who imagines that those thoughts are not weighing heavily on the intellect and conscience of America's military leadership is lost in a fool's fog.

Will the day come when patriotic general and flag officers sit down with the president, or with those who control him, and work out the national equivalent of a "family intervention," with some form of limited, shared responsibility?

Imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the Constitution through an interim administration that would do the serious business of governing and defending the nation. Skilled, military-trained, nation-builders would replace accountability-challenged, radical-left commissars. Having bonded with his twin teleprompters, the president would be detailed for ceremonial speech-making.

Military intervention is what Obama's exponentially accelerating agenda for "fundamental change" toward a Marxist state is inviting upon America. A coup is not an ideal option, but Obama's radical ideal is not acceptable or reversible.

Unthinkable? Then think up an alternative, non-violent solution to the Obama problem. Just don't shrug and say, "We can always worry about that later."

In the 2008 election, that was the wistful, self-indulgent, indifferent reliance on abnegation of personal responsibility that has sunk the nation into this morass.
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Debra Law
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 05:38 pm
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:

dyslexia wrote:

I can't imagine why anyone would be scared of glenn beck, he can only appeal to idiots who would continue to be idiots regardless of glenn beck.

You're talking about my "friend." She is an avid follower of Glenn Beck, spews his talking points, and would be very offended to know that you consider her an idiot. She was gleeful when she emailed me to tell me that she was joining an out-of-town protest on Saturday morning and that I wouldn't approve of her new t-shirt. (I envisioned a t-shirt sporting Glenn Beck's face and the phrase, "I'm proud to be a rightwing terrorist.")

Why are so many human beings incapable of exercising logic and reason and so willing to become the malleable followers of insane talking heads? Given a choice, I believe my friend would choose her willfully blind idolatry of Glenn Beck over our friendship.

I had lunch with my friend on Monday.

She is convinced that an SEIU (Service Employees International Union) operative is taking pictures of her and her husband. Confused

It appears that she believes her tea party activities have landed her on an enemy list. She is convinced that she is on the list of people to be sent to a FEMA camp--one that she claims is being built not too far from where we live. That's just the tip of her paranoid iceberg fueled by Glenn Beck . . . .

ebrown p
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:54 pm
@Debra Law,

I had lunch with my friend on Monday.

She is convinced that an SEIU (Service Employees International Union) operative is taking pictures of her and her husband. Confused

Your friend's name isn't Susan, is it?
Debra Law
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 11:41 pm
@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:


I had lunch with my friend on Monday.

She is convinced that an SEIU (Service Employees International Union) operative is taking pictures of her and her husband. Confused

Your friend's name isn't Susan, is it?

Do you know her? I think we all know her, or someone like her.
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Debra Law
Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 03:01 am
The White House is fighting back:

Reality Check: Trying to Turn a Point of Pride into a Moment of Shame

Last night Fox News continued its disregard for the facts in an attempt to smear the Administration's efforts to win the Olympics for the United States. In the past, hosting the Olympics has been a source of pride and unity for the country, but once again Fox News' Glenn Beck program has shown that nothing is worthy of respect if it can be used as part of a partisan attack to boost ratings.

RHETORIC: BECK SAID VANCOUVER LOST $1 BILLION WHEN IT "HAD THE OLYMPICS." Glenn Beck said, "Vancouver lost, how much was it? they lost a billion dollars when they had the Olympics." [Transcript, Glenn Beck Show, 9/29/09]

REALITY: VANCOUVER'S OLYMPICS WILL NOT TAKE PLACE UNTIL 2010. Vancouver will host the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games from February 12 " 28, 2010 and March 12-21, 2010, respectively. [Vancouver2010.com, accessed 9/29/09]

RHETORIC: VALERIE JARRETT "WAS LAST SEEN WITH THE NEA." Beck's guest, FOX News contributor Pat Caddell, said, "[Obama] is going to go [to Copenhagen] with Valerie Jarrett who was last seen with the NEA pumping up their use of, you know, money." [Transcript, Glenn Beck Show, 9/29/09]

REALITY: VALERIE JARRETT WAS NOT ON THE NEA CONFERENCE CALL. Valerie Jarrett was not a participant in the August 10, 2009 United We Serve/NEA conference call.

RHETORIC: CHICAGO IS CLOSING THE GOVERNMENT SEVERAL DAYS A WEEK BECAUSE THEY CANNOT AFFORD TO BE OPEN. Beck's guest Caddell said, "Chicago is closing the government several days a week because they cannot afford to be open. They are going to go and reward -- this is the biggest scandal." [Transcript, Glenn Beck Show, 9/29/09]

REALITY: CHICAGO HAS HAD ONE REDUCED-SERVICE DAY IN 2009, AND WILL HAVE TWO MORE ON THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING AND ON CHRISTMAS EVE. On August 17, 2009, CBS Chicago reported, "If you planned to check out a library book, visit a city clinic or have your garbage picked up on Monday, you're out of luck. The City of Chicago is basically closed for business on Aug. 17, a reduced-service day in which most city employees are off without pay. City Hall, public libraries, health clinics and most city offices will be closed. Emergency service providers including police, firefighters and paramedics are working at full strength, but most services not directly related to public safety, including street sweeping, will not be provided. That also includes garbage pickup. Residents who receive regular collection on Mondays should expect trash to be picked up on Tuesday. Some other customers may experience a one-day delay as collectors catch up. As part of the 2009 budget, three reduced-service days were planned for 2009, days which are unpaid for all affected employees -- the Friday after Thanksgiving; Christmas Eve; and New Year's Eve. The City Council recently approved moving the reduced-service day planned for New Year's Eve to Monday. The 2009 budget anticipates saving $8.3 million due to the reduced-service days. In addition to reduced service days, all non-union employees were asked to take a series of furlough days and unpaid holidays, and most non-sworn union employees agreed to similar unpaid time off." [CBS Chicago, 8/17/09]

RHETORIC: VALERIE JARRETT WILL BENEFIT FINANCIALLY. Beck asked, "Is it possible that she is going to benefit if the Olympics come to Chicago?" Caddell responded, "Well, that’s the word. She has certainly had a lot of dealings going on in real estate." [Transcript, Glenn Beck Show, 9/29/09]

REALITY: UPON ENTERING GOVERNMENT, VALERIE JARRETT DIVESTED ALL HER REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT HOLDINGS EXCEPT FOR A SINGLE INVESTMENT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OLYMPIC BID. Valerie Jarrett divested all her investment real estate holdings upon entering government except for a single real estate holding that she was unable to sell. This single real estate investment has been determined by White House Counsel and the independent Office of Government Ethics to present no conflict of interest in performing her duties as a White House advisor. It has nothing to do with the Olympic bid.


For even more Fox lies, check out the latest "Truth-O-Meter" feature from Politifact that debunks a false claim about a White House staffer that continues to be repeated by Glenn Beck and others on the network.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 09:52 pm
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:
It appears that she believes her tea party activities have landed her on an enemy list. She is convinced that she is on the list of people to be sent to a FEMA camp--one that she claims is being built not too far from where we live. That's just the tip of her paranoid iceberg fueled by Glenn Beck . . . .

So she hasn't found out about the death panel we've set up about her case? Good. Muhahahahaha!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2009 06:09 pm
Glenn Beck - Crying on cue using Vicks under his eyes during a photo shoot.

Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 01:59 am
It's official: Americans admire Glenn Beck more than they admire the pope.

This news, at once unsettling and unsurprising, came from the Gallup polling organization on Wednesday. Beck, the new Fox News host who has said President Obama has a "deep-seated hatred for white people" and alternately likens administration officials to Nazis and Marxists, was also more admired by Americans than Billy Graham and Bill Gates, not to mention Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. In Americans' esteem, Beck only narrowly trailed South Africa's Nelson Mandela, the man who defeated apartheid.

The 45-year-old recovering alcoholic and Mormon convert has become the first true demagogue of the information age. His nightly diet of falsehoods and conspiracies on Fox, and his daily outrages on the radio, have propelled his popularity past even Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. His method is simple: He goes places where others are forbidden by conscience.


Glenn Beck is not the problem, he is a garden variety huckster, all he is doing is selling what Americans want to buy. What is wanted by the buyers is the problem that needs to be addressed, you can never chase away or kill everyone who is willing to exploit a sales opportunity. Besides, that would violate the economic theory and moral principles that we claim to believe in.
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 06:13 am
Beck will , like "The Face in the Crowd" character, self destruct when he fails to cover his own cynicism in a private moment or two. I suspect that he will bite his feeders hand and be yeaterdays news in a few short years.

I looked t the above clip and was surprised at how hes chunked up since being on tv. Why is it that all these GOP pundits look like the Michelin Man or Sta Puf Marshmellow guy?
Reply Sat 2 Jan, 2010 06:50 am
It's called biting the ass that feeds them.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Jan, 2010 10:30 am
Beck is the ultimate demagogue, and is very dangerous. Somehow, the Reps manage to get these people elected to high office.

Beck spares no deception or distortion to get across his messages. Moreover, a relatively large percentage of the public tends to believe him.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Jan, 2010 11:20 am
FreeDuck wrote:


I can see disagreeing, but what, specically, did he say that's scary?

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