dyslexia wrote:
I can't imagine why anyone would be scared of glenn beck, he can only appeal to idiots who would continue to be idiots regardless of glenn beck.
You're talking about my "friend." She is an avid follower of Glenn Beck, spews his talking points, and would be very offended to know that you consider her an idiot. She was gleeful when she emailed me to tell me that she was joining an out-of-town protest on Saturday morning and that I wouldn't approve of her new t-shirt. (I envisioned a t-shirt sporting Glenn Beck's face and the phrase, "I'm proud to be a rightwing terrorist.")
Why are so many human beings incapable of exercising logic and reason and so willing to become the malleable followers of insane talking heads? Given a choice, I believe my friend would choose her willfully blind idolatry of Glenn Beck over our friendship.