dyslexia wrote:
so just between the two of us Finn, I'm the gun owner and you're not, somehow this seems ironic to me.
You know Dys, on a superficial level it is ironic, but I thought you nuanced Progressives wouldn't be caught dead on a superficial plane.
You get subtlety and thrive on ambiguity, unlike the unwashed masses who cling to religion and their guns, and so I'm a little disappointed that you've focused on such an obvious and simplistic paradox.
I have no idea why you own a gun, and am only mildly curious as to the reason. I don't own a gun for several reasons:
1) Never felt the need for a penis extension
2) Never have and never will hunt as long as grocery stores exist. I'm not anti-hunting in the sense that I think it should be banned or that hunters are villains, I just know that the remorse I would feel in killing a mammal would always overwhelm whatever atavistic pleasure the act generated.
3) I am a father and if I gun I owned ever resulted in the death of one of my children, I think I would turn it on myself
4) Until recently, I've never thought I needed one for defense
After Katrina, I saw how quickly society can break down, and that was hardly the worst catastrophe we might face.
My kids are all grown and out of the house now and so I only have to worry about my wife using the gun on me.
I'm getting old. I don't have as much faith in my prowess with a baseball bat as I did early on.
So, I'm thinking about buying me a shotgun.