Ticomaya wrote:
OCCOM BILL wrote:Ticomaya wrote: You can do a lot of things, but you can't force your ex to be reasonable.
How many Billions would be saved in attorney's fees if people understood that one?
I'm doing my part ... I tell that to my clients on a regular basis.
Yep, I hear you... and perhaps 1 in 10 of your clients do too, though I doubt that many listen. I've talked to a cable company 3 times in as many weeks over some dickwad that won't let his name be taken off an account at an address he can't come within 500 feet of. The idiocy of spite.
Thay showed tape on TV of some young fellow, looked about 30,
so consumed by hate that he went to his wife 's grave
and kicked over her tombstone.
I never practiced matrimonial law, but when I read the case law in law school,
I was astonished at the diabolical creativity and evil of the revenges
of each sex (in different cases) against their spouces.
Whenever I hear of another one of those (there is no end of them),
I am very pleasantly relieved n thrilled at not having married.
That also applies to new instances of patricide.
I reason that no matter what else may happen, at least I am safe from patricides.