Sun 16 Aug, 2009 04:32 pm
I was married 11 years I am 46 now he is 41(he always said age wasn't an issue) He showed signs of disinterest in affections and togetherness and we would have sex and he would roll over. He was the main bread winner and I making way lower, but always working nonetheless. He quit his job a few mos ago at a body shop and started to think his side job of painting would work for him. Fast forward to not soon after he stopped paying his credit cards and said no one else is hiring so ....Then a week later I find out why he wants to gp to his garage 15 miles away with no work and the unaffectionate and drlfishness was because of another woman. He moved in with her cuz he said she was on welfare and he didnt have to hear crap. Now he is getting on at a job in another local city for her. I havent gotten any money from him and he has yet to take our son for a visit yet. he claims he loves his son and he comes #1 in his life....what? I am left with a mortgage and bills piling high. He wants a separation here in NC you cant get divorced unless separated a year. I have spent money on consultations. He says he filed separation papers stating he will pay $400 a month and half mortgage until it sells....oh yeah house is now up for sale, but I havent seen these papers yet ...The man I knew is someone else. I am through begging and crying to him. I have to stand on my own now but any advice from anyone who knows from their own history what I should do or expect or what he is thinking, cuz I have no idea except I have never ever been so f'd over by anyone...I dont know if I will see a dime from him since I havent yet. I have been paying bills with my paychecks for the past month.
This man has ABANDONED his wife and child.
See a lawyer and get financial help ASAP.
You are right: this is not the same man you loved before. He is gone.
Quote:anyone who knows from their own history what I should do or expect
Nothing good will come from him
Quote:or what he is thinking
it does not matter
Quote:I have never ever been so f'd over by anyone...
You are indeed fucked....stop paying everything but the utility bills and your medical/life insurance, and get a lawyer NOW.
The behaviour he exhibited in relation to his career isn't something that is normally caused by an affair. So it seems to me that something changed in your husbands life other than just the affair.
Not sure what sort of advice you are seeking though. You only have the money that you have, and you have to deal with that reality, not the one you had previously with your husband. Start separating your bank accounts and everything else that has financial ties, move to a place you can afford, and go from there.