nyc :
are you sure that math is really your calling ?
if you are sure it is , what are you doing right now to further your education ?
surely you have some spare time to widen your horizon and keep learning .
have you considered a job where you can earn a professional designation (example : accounting - but there are many others ) while you are working and earning money ?
consider making a list of your likes and dislikes , the possibility of getting a job etc. and start some matching .
just getting a math degree without a real goal in mind , may put you back where you are now .
i've known people with ph.d's that never used their degrees because it turned out that they had no interest in working in the field they studied for .
so BEFORE you go back to university to study math : STUDY YOURSELF !
know where you want to go and how to get there BEFORE starting out on the journey - and know what you are going to do once you reach your target .
and always keep in mind that you may have to choose an alternate route (or professsion) if the road ahead is blocked for some reason .
good luck !