Lightwizard wrote:Since the deficit spending was the primary issue, I guess that would mean the national deficit is conservative policies run amuck.
I don't think Bush knows what conservative fiiscal policies are. Traditionally, suposedly for smaller government and less spending, the republican core agenda must have changed.
Some say the California recall is being 'spun' toward Bush's economic policies, I think the nation should be as miffed at him for his mega spending.
CJHSA asked:
Quote:Living in Mass, why do you care who the governor of California is?
I answered:
Quote:Probably because plainoldme doesn't suffer from political myopia.
CJHSA replied:
Quote:Joe, please explain your response. A simple insult means nothing to me or anyone else who pretends like they give a sh-t.
This is truly odd. Who's is supposed to be insulted by my answer? It only makes reference to plainoldme, anyone else must be inserting themselves and then taking it personally. My advice to them would be to not make assumptions and to try and remember that not everything is about them.
Also, I thought plainoldme answered the question pretty well himself so I shan't add anything further.
If I was married to Hillary, I would try to find a better port for my dick as well. I heartily respect Clinton for his sexcapades.
Quote:If Arnold does not have the right stuff, he too will go down the drain but in the meanwhile, I am very much afraid plainoldme will just have to live with Arnold as we were forced to live with Bill until he finished his term.
Now THIS is hilarious!
Advising Plainoldme to live with it until Arnold finishes his term. This is the same Arnold who got voted in by people not willing to wait for Gray Davis to finish his term, right?
'scuse me Joe, but you quoted me.
I heard that Clinton actually switched his support to Schwartzenegger after the sexual allegations came out...
Yaass, we were forced to live with Bill.....just live with it, yaass, or we could do it the right way and spread innuendo and lies, and get some of our rich cronies to fund scandal stories in the press and maybe resurrect the special prosecutors office, (all four of them came in handy when they weren't coming in empty handed.) or we could call for another recall unless, because we were doing it, it would seem petty and mean-spirited. We wouldn't want that, would we?
And cj, I quoted your question, and I answered it. My answer doesn't refer to you, does it?
You think Maria married him because she liked his:
a. body
b. money
c. knew he was going to get into politics and be gov., then Pres?
Is Maria stupid? Are the Calif. people stupid?
Loved frankapisa's comment about fried chicken recipes and bill clinton. LOL!!
I guess we'll have to rely on David Letterman to tell us the truth about Arnold. Letterman showed a great clip of a very young Arnold last night.
As for Maria, a woman who seriously needs to put on 10 pounds and to eschew tanning salons, who knows why she married him? They were together for many years before marrying.
Gray Davis is not a stellar character but electing someone who has absolutely no real life experience and who has some serious character flaws hardly seems the way to balance the California budget.
BTW, the son of WWI historian Paul Fussell and food writer Betty Fussell, tried to make his mark in the world of body building and ended up writing a book about it. Never read the book myself, just a review of it: there are some books that are only worth the review and this was one of them.
Both Ahnold and Maria look like they've had enough done to their faces, their mouths should be above their noses.
John: The most appropriate response to that is, "Ba-da-da-ching!"
When you have your skin stretched so tightly onto your skull, what kind of look are you expecting? My bet: as phony as his characters on the screen. That doesn't mean he will be a bad leader -- many get by with a facade and surround themselves with people who actually do know what they are doing. This is theorectical politics, of course, and may not work in the real world. Some are wise to the ruse.