Mon 27 Jul, 2009 02:47 pm
I can't believe my luck in finding this forum. I want to have an inspirational phrase carved into a piece of furniture and am thinking of either of the following, depending on what they look like when translated:
Love This Life,
Everyday is a Gift
Can anyone help?
@Sue K,
I wonder if you've visited this site and if it might help you.
I wonder if you've visited this a2k site for latin translation, swalk?
a2k site? If you mean where this is posted, of course, this is where I browsed.
However so many unanswered requests ....
Thanks, Swalk, but online translation services often get the grammar wrong.
I think I have worked out 'each day is a gift' to be 'sulum dies donum est' but am still having trouble with the grammar for 'love this life' - it's 'this' that I'm struggling with, there seem to be several choices and I don't want to get it wrong or put it in the wrong place - it's a big piece of furniture.