Consumers Reports has done a few features on the subject. Often, it turns out that the cost of the extended warranty is about equal to the cost of the typical repair. Usually, the extended warranty is carried by some third party, which isn't always conducive to consumer satisfaction. On some types of items, the extended warranties are a good idea.
I would check and find out which were worth the cost, but sadly, I let the subscription lapse. Seems there is a new marketing model out there, these past few years. Your application, especially in the fine print for online orders, includes an agreement to renew. Not to worry, though. You don't have to do a thing if they have your credit card on file. As a matter of fact, I talked to Chase MasterCard customer about this within the past week, in regard to Wired Magazine. It's going to go my way, and they tell me this is the biggest issue right now with their Dispute Department. I'm happy that I'm not the only one not rolling over for this practice.