Quote: this place does need a (naked ? INDEEDEE !!!

who's first ?

) wake up call
just to straighten things out : i used to be "hamburger " - so have been around here for a while . somehow couldn't get my old identy back .
anyway ... i think we used to be a much easier going bunch imo .
can't remember who called me on the carpet - doesn't really matter - perhaps should have ignored it and posted some emoticons .
still wondering if the u.s. presedential election is being fought over and over again here . would that be a suitable topic , i wonder ?
for a canuck it might be futile to start it - comments anyone ?
will try to start some new topics later - going for a long walk first .
perhaps we might meet under this topic again and state any topics started or that we find particularly interesting ???
i'll put this under my FAVOURITES for easy reference .
g' day or g' nite to everyone - whichever it is .
hope to see ya later !
(still) hbg