Judging by the crispness of the sound when the guy bites into the pickled okra in Alton Brown's video (end of part one), I'd guess that there is no slime. Having not ever personally experienced pickled okra, that's all I have to go on.
Here's the recipe:
Pickled Okra II
Yield: Approximately 6 pints
5 1/2 pounds okra
1/2 cup pickling salt
1 cup white sugar
1 quart water
1 quart white vinegar
6 cloves garlic
6 teaspoons celery seeds
6 small hot red peppers
6 teaspoons dill seeds
Wash and trim the okra. In a medium-sized saucepan, combine the salt, sugar, water, and vinegar. Bring to a boil.
Meanwhile, to each clean, hot pint jar, add 1 garlic clove, 1 teaspoon celery seeds, 1 red pepper, and 1 teaspoon dill seeds. Pack the okra into the jars. Cover with the hot brine, leaving 1/2 inch head-space. Seal.
Process in a boiling-water-bath canner for 10 minutes, according to the directions on pages 21-26.
Tip: To prepare okra for pickling, scrub with a stiff vegetable brush to remove the sticky fuzz on the outside of the pod. Remove the stem and trim the top of the pod.