Italgato wrote:No, hobibob- It's envy. sorry- and status envy is the most consuming. However, the way to defeat status envy is to work hard, become successful and gather up the fruits of your labors. Then you can be in the position of being sniped at and being envied like Cheney is.
You can divide the world into two classes.
Class # 1- Those who have worked hard for their money and wish to keep most of it.
Class # 2- Those who are in favor of Redistribution of Income. That means- Give me some of yours, you have too much.
And what about people who steal it from others; cheat others out of it; marry into it?
Your list is silly. Your arguments even sillier. are a conservative -- and American conservatives have been on the wrong side of every important event and issue in American history.
So you really should be cut a break.