Well, Mr. Hinteler, You might not want to wait but if you are on these posts you wont have to wait long.
At no time did i state that Diebold, nor any employee of Diebold, nor the CEO of Diebold, intended to rig the machines. Please note the use of the word "reputed" in my post (IG, you may need to look that word up--please do, so that you'll be on or near the same page as the rest of us).
Setanta is indeed a name of Gaelic derivation, and if IG intends to imply that that is inherently a slur, i'll be more than happy to introduce him to a favorite Irish passtime--kicking Italian ass.
What's the shortest book in the world?
Italian War Heroes . . .
Why does the New Italian Navy have glass bottom boats?
So they can see the Old Italian Navy . . .
What is the quick, easy way to identify an Italian tank?
The back-up lights . . .
And those are the nicest Italian jokes i know . . . well, as for Italian jokes, there is Berlusconi . . .
I think Italgato has passed to the "Great Beyond."
Ah, would that it were true . . . as he/she/it won't be missed, we're likely never to know . . .
"I find nothing more depressing than optimism."