Tue 7 Oct, 2003 08:44 am
I do hope this doesn't repeat anything which has been posted already, but i've not seen it here. Since August, there has been a growing story here in Ohio about the voting machines the state was prepared to buy. The CEO of Diebold (a company which bid to provide voting machines to Ohio) is reputed to have told Republicans in a fund raising letter that his company is: "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."
I had trouble getting into the
Cleveland Plain Dealer web site, so i have this reprint of one of their articles:
Diebold article[/color]
Ain't democracy a wonderful thing? Please note the dedication to fair and impartial voting on the part of Kenneth Blackwell, the Ohio Secretary of State.
The electronic voting machines are going to be a whole nother can of worms.
Would those who sent servicemen to their deaths in Iraq, by false pretenses, have too much morality to try to 'fix' voting machines in time for the next Presidential Election???
Don't worry, Boss, Diebold's CEO will make sure your vote counts . . . or rather, that it is counted for the Shrub.
ONE FOR YOU---------one for me
TWO FOR YOU---------one, two for me
THREE FOR YOU-------one, two, three for me
What surprises me is that there has not been more outcry.
Jeez you people----do you believe everything you read or just what agrees with your particular ideology? Don't you know by now that anything posted by Setanta has a preconceived conclusion-----the one he wants you to arrive at.
Sentata posts links to his stories. He doesn't simply cut and paste edited versions of things without references. I trust Sentata's posts far more than certain other people's...
I think that the Company that is going to "fix" the machines should be fined and the CEO should be imprisoned. Imagine a CEO so stupid as to write that. I sure wish I could get ahold of that "alleged" fund raising letter. I would send it to every paper in the USA so that they could follow up on it to show just how evil the Republicans are.
I hope that Setanta can tell us just how to get ahold of a copy or at least see a story which quotes directly from the letter.
They do exist, don't they?
Or have they been destroyed?
Can you tell us, Setanta, where to find a copy of the letter.?I am a skeptical type and just don't believe stories like that unless I see evidence.
I read the link by Setanta. I read the posts following the link. The letter said nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, about the voting machines being fixed. The letter said that the owner of the company was committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to President Bush next year.
Now, Setanta( is that his age?) may feel that this means that the CEO will fix the machines.
If so, he would be murdered in a court trying to make a link between the statement and the machines.
The CEO did not say, I am going to rig the machines.
If Setanta feels that it was improper for the CEO to do so, he may of course, feel that way.
If Setanta feels that some crime has been committed, I implore him to contact the State's Attorney.
I am very much afraid that the State's Attorney would laugh in his face if he did.
Italgato wrote:Now, Setanta( is that his age?) may feel that this means that the CEO will fix the machines.
Since 'Setanta' means "one who knows the way", this may well be (especially his responses here and on other boards.)
Mr. Hinteler: You may be correct about the fact that Setanta means One who knows the way. I don't know what language that is in but I can assure you that Settanta means Seventy in Italian and Setenta means Seventy in Spanish.--you know, siebzig.
Well, if Setanta had called himself "settanta", you were completely correct re. the Italian meaning and if his name would be "setenta" you would be right re Sanish as well.
But as you can read ... his name here is Setanta.
But how does that translate to one who knows the way?
What way?
I dont think he knows the way at all judging as to how he muddled the post concering the CEO and his letter.
He might know the way to go home but he doesn't know much else. I will be glad to demonstrate that to you in the future, Mr. Hinteler.
If Setanta is a Gaelic derivation, that explains it.
Italgato wrote:
He might know the way to go home but he doesn't know much else. I will be glad to demonstrate that to you in the future, Mr. Hinteler.
I really can't wait for that to come, Italgato!