Re: More from Daniel Pipes
perception wrote:Joe --- nice try to wiggle out of it and I might let you get away with it except for your most egregious first statement.
Wiggle? Moi?
perception wrote:He killed Iranians with WMDs-----he killed Kurds with WMDs-----
I don't accept that chemical weapons are weapons of mass destruction, but granting (for the sake of argument) that they are, the use of chemical weapons against Kurds and Iranians happened
over a decade ago, before the
first Gulf war.
Now, Pipes said: "there was indeed massive and undisputed evidence to indicate that the Iraqi regime was building WMD." If he was talking about the weapons that Saddam had used more than ten years ago, then he's not telling us anything new. Indeed, it's rather late to be learning that Saddam used chemical weapons in the Iran-Iraq War. I can only imagine that Pipes, much like Captain Renault in
Casablanca, is
shocked to discover that such things occurred.
But then if Pipes is referring to those weapons of the distant past, why is he mentioning them in connection with the latest version of the gulf war? If he's suggesting that we went to war because we only recently uncovered evidence that Iraq used chemical weapons
over ten years ago, then he's not just a liar -- he's a complete moron. On the other hand, if he's suggesting that there is "massive and undisputed evidence" that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction
this year, then he's a liar: I'll reserve judgment on whether or not he's also a moron.
perception wrote:...after the first gulf war it was substantiated by the inspectors that he was much closer to a nuke than anyone ever suspected.
Look again at Pipes's statement: ""there was indeed massive and undisputed evidence to indicate that the Iraqi regime was
building WMD." Note that Pipes didn't say that Iraq was
planning to build WMDs, he said that it was
building WMDs. If Pipes was referring to nuclear weapons as one of the WMDs that the Iraqis were
building, then he's an unmitigated, baldfaced liar. On the other hand,
perception, if you can find me one shred of evidence that shows that the Iraqis were actually in the process of fabricating an operable nuclear device, I'll be happy to revise my opinion.
perception wrote:Your statement that it was a preposterous lie is indeed itself a preposterous lie. SEE?
No, I don't see that at all. Perhaps you could explain it again.