Well, It was a rather convoluted story.
Princess SUmmer FAll Winter Spring got knocked up by that Duck thing and they were looking to abort, but , back then, there was no Rowe v Wade so they had to trip her off to Sweden where she got a severe case of vaginitis, Very Sad.
Doody then had to go into rehab for chemical induced depression. He was suicidal for quite a while before getting it together.
Buffalo Bob turned gay and was packing Clarabell, who was diagnosed with some pneumonial condition and Sarkosie's sarcoma. This was suspected to have been transmitted to Buffalo Bob by some , then, unknown vector. This was a time when that whole thing was not dealt with any understanding.
Mr Bluster died in a failed hit on Mr Fixapants and there was a big court fight over the entire DOodeyville properties since he was the owner of record. They had to hire a major law firm for the probate hearings and Doodeyville finally went to that kid puppet (D Dally)with the BEanie , who, as it turned out was the love child of Bluster and the cleaning lady. DAlly had a severe gambling problem and went deep in debt to some shylox , who extorted all the Doodeyville properties from Dally. The entire site has been converted to a Big Box Chrysler/GM Car mall since then
It was not an ending where everyone was "moving on" to other things. Doody was later trying to make it as Window dummy but developed a bad hip and had to undergo a hip replacement. (Back in those days they used ceramic for the joints and these were found later to induce blood clots in the venous system) . Doody died of a thrombosis in 78 and he wasnt found until several days after he died in a hot summer of New York City near the site of the thermos bottle building . After Howdy's death, Buffalo Bob tried to resurrect the show with Howdy's brother Rudie Doody but Rudie had an ADD problem and never showed up for rehersals .
All in all, it was best that the show ended on its downward arc, to have ended a few years later, what with all the problems that everyone was having, it would have been even sadder.
I hope this helps.