all days move around on the calendar from year to year....

you know what i mean - and ya better be careful - cuz i already have a pry bar
bpBear! Get the hell offline! You got some work to do in the meat world!
(or at least give her a hug from us...)
That SealPoet - he knows from hugs.
BPB -- From that line-up of holidays and family birthdays, I'd say you & Squinney made a mistake in not linking your wedding to some holiday. Let's see, what's close -- Columbus Day?
Mr.P and I had a couple of anniversaries like the kind Sozobe describes. Our 27th anniversary was last February, so we've had what seems like a lot of experience to me in trying out different ways to get through the years. Celebrating is much better for our relationship than not celebrating, and the more we've done, the more we both enjoy it.
Okay, I've got this er, cousin, um cousin Al, and here's why after being married a couple of times for short periods ending in disaster he's now been married for 16 years.
About once a month, never on the same day of the week, he calls his wife at her office or at home or wherever she is and the conversation goes like this:
Um, hi, This is Al. Um, you may not remember me, I talked to you a couple of times last night at the __________ (friend's name) party??
No, I don't remember you, Al.
Uh, we talked about the Da Vinci Code book, you said it was like reading a movie script? You were wearing that beaded necklace you made? Blue dress?
Hmmmmm, yeah? Okay. So?
So I was wondering, if you'd like to join me for dinner tonight. I remember you said you like Mexican, and there's a place at 8th and 16th called MaryAnn's that's just great. About 7:30 or 8:00 o clock?
What did you say your name was?
Al, I'm the kinda big guy who gave the toast for Mike that you said was sweet?
Oh! ......Well,... I don't know, it's kind of short notice.
Yes it is short but I have to say I really enjoyed meeting you, talking with you and if you can't make it tonight that's okay. When would be a better time for you?
8:30- I have a late meeting.
Oh, that's great. Shall I meet you there?
Yes, that would be fine.
Note: this works best when arrangements for das kinder, pets etc have already been arranged by AL before calling....
Great idea, Joe!
And....what were those famous words of wisdom you once told me about shopping for gifts for women in hardware stores? C'mon...
I think I love this cousin Al.
~The Joe Nation Gift Buying Admonition~
~~~~~~ with Codicils ~~~~~~~
No thing ought be bought
for a woman
which has attached
an electrical cord
Codicil One
Unless said receiving woman has
specifically, particularly and repeatedly
for said electrical device.
Codicil Two
an appropriate amount of
french hooked, spectacular, dangly, bling-bling-bling
is decoratively wrapped, boxed and attached
to said requested appliance.
Codicil Three
No dumbass, she does
not want a vacuum cleaner,
yogurt maker, dremel tool,
cordless drill, shaving cream heater,
coffeemaker, bagel slicer,
George Foreman Grill, knife sharpener,
blender, ice shaver,
five speed mixer, popcorn popper,
air popcorn popper, Fry Daddy,
rice cooker, Fry Baby or that
really fancy iron with a
burst of steam.
re-re-read Codicil One
Okay. Got it?
Please post on every shaving mirror in the universe.
Neither party need call to thank Joe Nation,
just knowing how good the sex is going to be for both of you
is thanks enough.
in case anyone sees Setanta anywhere - let him know I really do want that Dremel! Really. Really really truly!
Which one, e? The single speed, the two speed, the five speed, the variable speed? How about the flexible extension?
What are you going to do with a dremel tool?
I got Mr.P one a few years ago, I don't know why and apparently he doesn't either. Maybe because he likes big tools like table saws and pressure washers? (He wants gifts from the hardware store, doesn't like "mall gifts." Go figure.

You all are so funny! I have a crow bar AND a dremel already.
I really didn't get upset that he forgot. I was over it when I called him to dinner.
heard of somebody out there, can't remember who or where, i think it might have been a strange person i met in a bar, who uses a dremel tool to trim his/her dogs' nails. nice smooth finishes, cauterizes the quick very nicely, and apparently they don't mind it.
(See? Takes all kinds.)
Good to see ya.
Really Squinney? BPB said he was in big trouble. I'm the only one around here who care's about anniversaries?
Do you use your dremel tool on the dogs? Apparently it is vet-recommended.
Hey there Squinney. Great to see ya :-D
Looks like the gang is all here!
Okay let's see a show of hands... How many were only hanging around to see if Bear got in trouble?