Its on the midday news here now that he passed away.
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Thu 25 Jun, 2009 06:10 pm
ehBeth wrote:
Region Philbis wrote:
farrah and michael in the same day... damn...
Poor woman couldn't even get the cover story when she died.
Even Ryan O'Neal has to be like, "What? Michael fuckin' Jackson died? Damn."
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Merry Andrew
Thu 25 Jun, 2009 06:58 pm
Re: insta-obits.
Every major newspaper and every news service has a file of obituaries on virtually every famous person in the world . . . or, at least, in their circulation area. These are nothing more than thumbnail biographies, so written that all an editor has to do is write a new first paragraph, stating when where and under what circumstances the person died. The rest, the background, has been sitting around a long time.
These obit files are being constantly updated, of course. Usually the person assigned to the update job is some inexperienced cub reporter who needs the experience of researching background and writing newspaper style.
There's nothing weird or unusual about any of this. If you happen to be any kind of celebrity, rest assured that your obituary has been written a long time ago and is just waiting to be published.
First album I ever bought on my own was "Thriller."
My first thought (when the news was just that he had been rushed to the hospital) was that if he died he becomes ageless -- people can remember early Michael and later Michael can fade. 'Cause early Michael was something. Such a messed-up life, though. <sigh>
There's nothing weird or unusual about any of this.
I understand that it is a standard practice, but still find it a bit morbid or cynical.
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Thu 25 Jun, 2009 07:16 pm
It is sad when anyone dies, and of course I feel bad for his family and friends. But it is going to be so annoying to hear people go on and on about what a wonderful person he was for the next few days. Yes, of course. Being a great entertainer is so much more important than that little penchant he had for screwing children. And the trips to Thailand so he could bang children without any legal repercussions are small potatoes in comparison to the fact that he could write pop songs!
BUT, it is sad, because you grew up with that cute kid who sang some of the soundtrack of your life. So farewell, King of Pop. When you were in the prime of your solo career you were almost as good as Prince.
"Michael Jacksons family have donated his body to Lego,
apparently they gonna melt him down so little boys can still play with him!"
Thats the sort of thing that is bombarding my cell phone at the moment.....great cant wait for the Farrah jokes....
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Thu 25 Jun, 2009 08:02 pm
I'd like to see the autopsy results.
We ALL die of cardiac arrest.
What was behind it?
My mom used to say
"When I was a girl, people just DROPPED DEAD, now everybody's gotta know why"
Wise woman my mom.
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Thu 25 Jun, 2009 08:06 pm
And now for something a little less cynical:
I remember being in a dance club way back in the 80s when they played this video on a big screen of him performing Billie Jean live. It was the first time most of us had ever seen him (or anyone else, for that matter) do the moonwalk. Everyone just stopped and watched in amazement, totally riveted. I've never seen anything that just stopped people in their tracks like that before or since. What a moment.
I used to like to watch clothes dryers go around with all the colored wash whenever I got hammered.
Are they goona kill his fuckin monkey and bury it with him? How bout Liz Taylor.
I was listening to MSNBC and everybody has been so sappy about this that I hadda turn on "CASH CAB".
0 Replies
Thu 25 Jun, 2009 08:45 pm
I remember being in a dance club way back in the 80s when they played this video on a big screen of him performing Billie Jean live. It was the first time most of us had ever seen him (or anyone else, for that matter) do the moonwalk. Everyone just stopped and watched in amazement, totally riveted.
I agree... there is something hypnotic about it. It was mesmerizing then, and it's still mesmerizing now. Dunno why.
0 Replies
Thu 25 Jun, 2009 08:46 pm
Death is always a sad occasion, but I cannot help but think this was inevitable. And somehow right that his story should end now.
Michael Jackson was always so childlike. It's hard to believe he was 50 years old. I simply cannot imagine him being any older. In fact, I am surprised he lived this long. He seemed fragile, as if his time had already passed.
Death is always a sad occasion, but I cannot help but think this was inevitable. And somehow right that his story should end now.
Michael Jackson was always so childlike. It's hard to believe he was 50 years old. I simply cannot imagine him being any older. In fact, I am surprised he lived this long. He seemed fragile, as if his time had already passed.
I know just what you mean. Some years ago, in the midst of one of his ugly battles, don't recall which one, I said to a friend that I doubted Michael Jackson would reach 50. Didn't even remember saying it until late this evening, watching Larry King, still in shock. But he was such an obvious mess and there was just so much ugliness surrounding him all the time, it was hard to imagine anyone so fragile surviving that kind of life for too long.
And out of the mouths of 15 year old son said tonight that Michael Jackson's life story was over ten years ago, and it might have been better if he had died then. I wonder if he isn't right.