It has been reported in 2007 Jackson had to settle a debt of $100,000 to an LA pharmacy. He also was reported by his family friend and former lawyer to be on multiple medications for pain due to his back and leg injuries. In fact, this same friend/lawyer warnec the family and Jackson about the med problem being potentially fatal, ala Anna Nicole-Smith, back when that tragedy occured. The entertainer's inner circle had ignored his warnings.
"Lawyer Brian Oxman, a spokesman for the Jackson family, told CBS's "The Early Show" on Friday that he had been concerned about the prescription drugs that Jackson took due to injuries suffered while performing."I had warned everyone that I could warn and I told them that one day, Michael Jackson is going to wake up dead, which is a very odd way of putting it ...," Oxman said.
"I do not want to point fingers at anyone because I want to hear what the toxicology report says and the coroner says but the plain fact of the matter is that Michael Jackson had prescription drugs at his disposal at all times," he said."