wilso, eoe is one of the finest (and by finest I mean kind, intelligent and classy) people I've met here.
She didn't deserve your toilet mouth.
If you're going to call someone foul names, do it to me, because I really don't care (as you can see by my current sig lines)
I sincerely don't understand though, why you think someone is attacking you when they go the least against you ideas.
moving on, so you don't have to imagine I'm attacking you wilso...I'm addressing the forum at large.....
I wasn't the biggest michael jackson fan out there either. mostly I saw him as a broken person.
Not really surpised he's dead, what with health problems, etc..
Thinking more on it though, I don't see it as that outlandish an idea that the realization his children were growing past the age that I gather he wished he could be forever was very hard on him.
Linkat was saying on another thread that she was feeling a little sad because she realizes her oldest daughter is now old enough to shave. I'm sure it's bittersweet. You're losing your baby, but realizing you child is growing into a good woman.
For a self styled peter pan, having your children growing past the age of the lost boys in never never land would leave a big void.
Yes, that's the only world they have known, but, c'mon, sooner or later the vast majority of people don't want to live in an amusement park. We all experience that time when we can't wait to grow up and be an adult. What kind of role model did they have for that?
Again, it doesn't have anything to do with his death directly. I'm just saying it had to be hard.
As far as his debt, that to me feels at least partly because of this wanting to be child-like forever. Children don't worry about debt. They don't understand limits.
just some thoughts