shewolfnm wrote:
No, no , no Ebrown...
that is a totally different comedian
I think David is talking about THIS one.
This guy actually does come from another country where being
with your sister is not only common, but acceptable.
I think that 's probably him, Shewolf; it looks like him.
Presumably, he smooched an actress in the movie promo,
not his real sister. I think that he was portraying a Russian immigrant.
I have no information at all about Russian ideas about fraternal incest.
We know that it was openly practiced in ancient Egypt.
That 's about the best that I can come up with.
It was my impression that his reference to incest with his alleged sister
was put there to gross us out, in the belief that this will raise the popularity of his movie.
(At least we can be glad that the alleged incest was not putatively with either of his parents.)
I have no comments about incest with sisters, but my sensibilities
were extremely offended by his having applied water from a toilet to his face,
even tho I am sure that obviously thay 'd have actually chosen
a new toilet that had never been used.
What bothered me most
was that thay believe that doing this
If it really
IS popular,
then that shows the radical difference in humans which is the subject matter of this thread.
How many of u agree with me
that this is socially unacceptably foul ?