Middle America hasn't been satisfactorily defined, so it's a guessing game to start with. I'm sure there are "anti-intellectuals" in New York City (and other supposedly hip metropolitan areas) but, then again, what separates them from non-intellectuals, or are they inseparable? What kind of class clash, or not so poetically, warfare, does it reveal? It's not economic bracket because people without great intellect get rich or inherit riches, their just talented at gaining in the money department, within or without the law. That's mostly smart, and street smart at that, not particularly intellectual. Intellectuals can also get rich for the some of the same reasons. That does leave labeling out of the question, doesn't it?
As I live in an area well-known for its conservatism, I know there are plenty of liberals in these parts as well. I know both have to be intolerantly devoted to his or their own opinions and prejudices but the majority of them are almost always too polite to reveal them, either among friends or relatives but especially not publicly.
That leaves the pundits (which includes op ed columnists, book writers as well as TV personalities), as politicians in office will nearly to the last one, conceal any of their intolerant prejudices (okay, sometimes not so successfully). The media bunch have got nothing to lose if their employer, like a Robert Murdoch, is paying them to expose their opinions, even though they are still mostly limited to being politically correct. Seems like lately, the pundits have been throwing about extreme language which they often retract or back-peddle because at the time they stated them, their brain wasn't attached to their mouth or fingers.
However, there is an -ism after the anti-intellectual which tries to define it as a movement of some sort. Rednecks, I doubt, are even in such a movement. Nor are all rednecks, in whatever Middle America one wants to agree is comprised of, geographically confined to any area even though you'd probably get an argument about where they usually reside.