Quote:I have no idea why I feel so stirred by this revolution.
I think you probably do. How could you not be stirred by ordinary people, risking all and joining together to lay claim to their freedom?
Notwithstanding the vacuous attempts of some to suggest there is some semblance of self-rule in Iran, it is a dictatorship plain and simple.
Their so-called elections have always been a sham. This one is just more obviously so.
It's easy to recognize ourselves in the words of the person you've quoted. At least the person we once were, or the person we would all like to think ourselves capable of being.
There is an ingenuous quality to these words that is quite touching. She's caught up in the social spirit of the demonstrations, but at the same time appreciative of the serious nature of the moment. There's a disturbing fatalism in her words, but they could be as much a romanticized sense of impending martyrdom as actual dread --- likely a mix of both within the chaotic thoughts she acknowledges.
Sadly she will most likely suffer ill consequences because of her participation. She may not be killed or even injured, but if, as I expect, these demonstrations are crushed by the Iranian regime, those who have participated and can be identified will come to suffer in some way.
And if this nascent movement should fail to develop into anything more than a brief demonstration of a people's desire for freedom, will whatever suffering she experience be for naught? That will be for her to decide, but hopefully she will not think so; that she will hold on to her belief that to try is deeply meaningful in itself.