Fri 12 Jun, 2009 06:58 am
Have there been any threads about Asperger syndrome here previously?
I am trying to learn more about it. Anyone have it? care to share any stories of friends or loved ones that are Aspies?
Isn't that what Bill Gates has? I think it's a high functioning form of autism.
Sorry, that's a rather lame contribution.
I believe one of my brothers-in-law has Aspergers. He's very socially awkward, but he's a brilliant guitarist.
I had an employee with Asperger's. Very creative, fast to catch onto anything that had to do with design, but he could not look anyone in the eye and would literally cringe when being introduced to someone new. Also tended to have very strong mood swings, few of them very happy. He never made friends with any of my other crew people and preferred to work alone, even on physically difficult tasks.