Craven, dude. Don't do it. I'd get way too distracted.
hey K, whyn'cha find a picture of that bug from Dark Cauldron?
Nevermind. I like you as you are.
Babs: it's just fun to change things. I liked my first one, and this one is OK too, but the next time I'll go on webshots and see if I can find a good one not in the gallery.
I keep thinking about changing my avatar, but this one is so fun!
I need to change mine to something a little more positive I think.
I dunno - guinness is pretty positive!
There's theory and practice Lk.....uhhh I forgot moderation I think.
oho! I passed up a guinness today and opted for a harpoon IPA. It was lunch and I didn't want to get filled up....
figure how much you could've saved on food by just having a pint or three.
there i go thinking and rationalising again....
I dunno, 3 pint od G is about the price of fish'n'chips.....
where'd you eat? were they good?
i'm doin the math thing here, could take a few lol.
I was at the yardarm in orleans. it's close to the same price.... I think. Don't hurt yourself doing the math.....
a mile from my house........i could have used a ride.
Hahaha, I bet. I was there at lunch. When'd you leave? Or were you elsewhere?
stuck at home in of bridge rd not far from boat meadow beach
I think I'll keep my's way too much fun to give guys are making me thirsty.....
i like that one lola, i'd keep it if i were you ;-)
Mikey - I know you live nearby. My parents live on herringbrook rd. Get up and poke your head outside, the stars are BRIGHT !
small world......did i take their mailbox out too?
could've been one of the kids...
Uhoh... nope, I don't think the mailbox has ever been taken out.
nit'all........ zzzzzzzzzzz