
Although I guess I'm digressing on a thread where I should be avatar-ing. So, after this post I'll be good.
My last post gave me a little pang of guilt

for saying that a few knowers are, '...Full of chit'. I didn't REALLY mean it but I couldn't resist the word play. So, the following is a little act of contrition:
In truth dear knowers I ENJOY chit-chat,
But, I just simply HAVE to play with words,
Like: 'Nooks and crannies, crooks and nannies' - things like that,
And: 'whey cool curds (the kurdish way) are stirred'
So if my dubious lines provoke revulsion,
Please know I SHARE your feelings - just a bit,
And, notwithstanding my undisciplined compulsion,
I must confess (say it!) I too, am full of chit.
There, done with it! I've made a full confession,
And, if I'm now among the lower knowers,
At least I'm not alone with my obsession.
So, now that I have told you it......What's yours? :wink: