Sun 5 Oct, 2003 06:46 am
Rather than look for the other thread:
Wow the three signs of the apocalypse. The end is near.
Bi, Every time it rains, it rains frog eggs from heaven.
Know that tune? It's that bitch, Isabel, always trying to steal the show.
How about the tiger found in some guy's apartment in Harlem this past weekend?
Apocalypse, here we come!
Is this somehow tied up with my screwed up cable bills?
I guess it means things are getting busy in Tadfield!
today is my anniversary.......I forgot....
Ah, Bi. Happy Anniversary to you and squinney. :
Oh, how we danced on the night we were wed;
we vowed our true love though a word wasn't said.
The world was in bloom, there were stars in the skies
except for the few that were there in your eyes.
Dear, as I held you so close in my arms,
angels were singing a hymn to your charms,
Two hearts gently beating were murmuring low,
"My darling, I love you so."
The night seemed to fade into blossoming dawn;
the sun shone anew but the dance lingered on.
Could we but relive that sweet moment sublime,
we'd find that our love is unaltered by time.
I know..corny but still sweet.
Happy Anniversary to you and Squinney, Bear.
Um, and good luck surviving having forgotten...
...the anniversary. BPB forget the anniversary, which prolly would make squinn a litte angry, I'd think...
I don't know if this counts, but these folks, based in Queens, NY, have it all figured out: Tornadoes! Hurricanes! Blackouts! Billions Die!
The World will end with the score tied in the 11th inning of the 7th game of the World Series between Boston and the Cubs.
I would say that seeing His name as a topic in an A2k thread might signify that He is at least thinking about a Second Coming.
You mean this thread was divinely inspired? Wow, that's awe-inspiring!