Tue 2 Jun, 2009 10:51 am
Anybody other than me been outside this morning?
I mean, it's early June and it's about 60 or 65 degrees outside, Spring weather as nice as you could want it.
God's plan to make demoKKKrats look stupid. I mean, the real world is headed straight into a second little ice age in the Christian era and the demoKKKrats are still talking about spending gargantuan sums of money to stave off "Global Warming(TM)".
Stupid, stupid demoKKKrats. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid ........
even an asshole idiot like you can understand that one data point does not constitute a trend surface.
farmergirl is fond of voids surrounded by sphincter muscles.
Such a lovely thread we have going here...
Last summer in the mid Atlantic region was radically unlike any other I've seen in my lifetime; there were about two or three weeks worth of warm days and even on those days it took four or five hours to get hot and it did not STAY hot. This summer looks highly likely to be a repeat.
Last summer was definitely unusual, but then again, short term trends are meaningless. After all, we're in a solar minimum right now which could be offsetting any atmospheric warming. Who knows. What really matters is that Gunga is a loon.