Sglass wrote:
Quote:Conan is not too scruffy considering he graduated from Harvard University magna cum laude
and was president of the Harvard Lampoon.
Just clean, Irish Catholic humor.
He might be a non-scruffy Irish Catholic, but there 's not much humor.
By my observation of him, it appears that his major guiding principle
is to imply and invite scorn for his paucity of humor.
In other words, to imply:
" its very laffable how completely I fail. "
This is comparable to taking a pratfall.
I don 't mean to be unkind in saying this -- just observational.
Johnny Carson did that too.
I wonder whether this analogy is justified or not:
I have read that some rock music (maybe from the 1970s onward)
used devices called "fuzz boxes"
the clarity of a song 's lyrics so that it was more difficult or impossible
for the audience to hear and understand what was being said,
altho it was plain that SOME words were being projected out.
Is this concept reflected in hiring comedy writers who are
not too funny?
I do not know for a fact that thay have rejected from employment
any writers who 've been deemed to suffer from the malady of being excessively humorous.
I 'm just wondering whether thay do that,
in the same spirit of promoting frustration as applying "fuzz boxes."