Ahhh -
Google News (including local to Albuquerque)
LA Times
SF Chronicle
Washington Post
Santa Fe New Mexican
BBC International
North Coast Journal
Huffington Post
The New Yorker
Beppe Grillo blog
Only in Italy blog
Corriere della Sera in english and italian (occasional)
a bunch of political blogs related to US, mostly but not entirely
several dozen food blogs (flgs)
ArtScene news update
Newsletter at ArchNewsNow
The Dirt is Ready (land architecture news updates)
miscellaneous design blogs
my friend Richard via email links
what I see of Yahoo News as I click onto one of my email accounts
every so often, espn or sports illustrated online; various fantasy baseball and football sources.
A lot of this is organized in my Safari Tool Bar.
I should transfer this to one of the sites that share.. (and also keep links)