I would get rid of the phones. Or use them less. I've noticed that phones seem to play a big role and cause a lot of trouble in relationships these days. The other day I was reading a post from a girl who looked at her boyfriend's phone when he was gone out somewhere and I thought, 'Geez - I wouldn't have even thought to do that if I saw someone's phone sitting somewhere.'
What I'm saying is, that all this focus on phones and calls and texts seems to take any bit of privacy or autonomy or independence out of a relationship.
So you can tell on your phone that he's on his phone? Why do you need to be aware of where he is and what he's doing and who he's talking to at any given moment?
All this increased contact and awareness of each other's business would seem to me to condense the relationship and cause nothing but a sense of oversaturation in terms of contact and being trapped or imprisoned in it. It's like you guys today have more contact with each other in a month than a married couple used to have with each other in twenty years.
No wonder you get bored with each other so quickly.
Try just seeing each other once a day or something and living your own life while he lives his.
Maybe then you'll actually have time to miss each other and look forward to seeing each other and you won't already know what each other have done all day so you might actually even have something to talk about when you do see each other.