BoGoWo wrote:the simplest answer is, i think singh, 'it's what we do, and we really can't help ourselves.
If you don't think, you don't exist.
Lemme repeat the question again:
What is the ends to it all? What if someone finally figures it all out - then what happens...
then we no longer will have any reason to exist, and will probably cease to do so (if we don't succumb to our violent natures first);
but i wouldn't worry about that happening ever, since much of the evidential information needed to figure out even the simplest of questions will elude us probably for ever, and consensus is so far down the tunnel, as to be invisible.
Given the hypothesis of someone finally figuring it all out, what happens then would depend on what it is that was figured out, I would think. So, I don't know. It hasn't been figured out yet.
We gotta first figure out what needs to be figured out.
What is the point of philosophy?
This is my simplistic answer----philosophers ask the questions for others to answer, such as scientists. I have always been a bit frustrated that philosophy always answers a question with what turns out to be a series of other questions.
We haven't arrived at the end all answer.
It's easy to philosiphise when your stomach is full.
Ok My next question is :
Why we tend to be judgemental on otherz... like we say... You do like this... You do like that... see What you have done...
Why are we Judgemental on Otherz...????
Show me a human being who is not judgmental of otherz and I will show you a "Saint" or a "Saint in Training" :wink:
But Saintz are people who even more indulge in changing the mentality of ordinary people... Do this to attain God... Dont this... So even Saintz are big Judgemental on otherz... I think even the God is a big judgemental on otherz... coz he does not accept us the way we are... rather he acceptz only those who are in his way...
To further indulge in your rather sillly desire to speculate on what Saints and God participate in-----I emphatically disagree-----Saints and God supposedly accept everyone as they are------until judgement day
"Only shallow people don't judge".
Oscar Wilde
I've been judging people all my life, and I know for sure I'm wrong 99 percent of the time. c.i.
perception wrote:To further indulge in your rather sillly desire to speculate on what Saints and God participate in-----I emphatically disagree-----Saints and God supposedly accept everyone as they are------until judgement day

Any new Idea or Thinking out of the ordinary alwayz seemz to be silly at first sight... Coz we ain't got any concrete replies to these questionz... So there nothing really to booast off at your judgement...
Ideal Singh
Silly speculation is far different than brainstorming or attempting to think "outside the box"both of which I heartily encourage.
The point of philosophy is to explore the nature of thought including the "seeking of answers". So having "a point" is itself a fundamental philosophical issue. The exploration of this in turn throws light on the other "big questions" such as "why are we here ?" etc...that is we are seeking a higher vantage point in order to better understand the field of play...and there may be no limit to the height we can achieve.
perception wrote:Ideal Singh
Silly speculation is far different than brainstorming or attempting to think "outside the box"both of which I heartily encourage.
I still stick my earlier Post
fresco wrote:IDEAL Singh
The point of philosophy is to explore the nature of thought including the "seeking of answers". So having "a point" is itself a fundamental philosophical issue. The exploration of this in turn throws light on the other "big questions" such as "why are we here ?" etc...that is we are seeking a higher vantage point in order to better understand the field of play...and there may be no limit to the height we can achieve.
"Why are we here ?"
What if you finally get the answer ? What special you are gonna do or what you have already tried to find the answer? Let me repeat the question again What would happen if we finally get answerz to all these "Big Questionz" ? Can we do anything out of the ordinary if we finally get the answerz.?
For the ignorant can talk of others ignorance, identify the ignorance, and yet not relate it to their own.
NNY wrote:For the ignorant can talk of others ignorance, identify the ignorance, and yet not relate it to their own.
Please Enlighten me of my Ignorance ?