The top critics are, as far as I'm concerned, very rarely wrong if they obviously reach a consensus that the film is bad and I very rarely disagree. Even if you love sci-fi and have read most of the classics in the genre, most of the offerings on the big screen and TV always seem to leave a lot to be desired. Oh, the writers can dumb it down to an extent but when they go so far as to underestimate their audience, they do a disservice to sci-fi and the fans. Ever notice how posters just have to take a pot shot at "2001: A Space Odyssey" and at the same time claim they "get it?" No they don't. They're incapable to thinking beyond the film and many film critics did just that, and again with "Blade Runner" which opened to mixed reviews and low ratings in a few movie guide books. Critics turned a complete turnaround on both movies and from re-release, cable showings and DVD sales, both have made enviable amounts of money. Sci-fi doesn't deserve disposable entertainment treatments and, interestingly so, those films get mediocre box office.
As far as SCC, I think they writers, directors and consequently the actors fumbled the ball at the outset in the second season and quite simply lost half the audience. A big problem was as I've written before -- to much repetition and too much dwelling on some tired sub-plots. They finally created so many loose ends, they dropped everything but what was in the last few episodes. They were trying to run for a touchdown but the goal post had started to move farther and farther away. They started to get carried away with the flash forwards trying to tie in characters, and then they wrote the final episode obviously knowing it was the last and effectively hooked up with the TS movie. They're all milking the time travel concept until the cow has run dry.