I don't at all think Elizabeth Edwards is scum, but I don't like that she was promoting him when, if found out, the potential nomination, or real nomination, would fail because of the nature of the press and the reaction to such news. Some of us posting here have had cancer. That doesn't mean we would risk the democratic nomination to the fire and light of the press so that our philandering husband wouldn't be embarrassed or that our children would not be disturbed by a quiet withdrawal for quiet reasons, arguably appropriate without the complication of the mistress. It was a major election and risking the press not finding out was not right.
No, I don't think at all that she is any kind of scum, ugly words that don't compute, that I don't mean. I do empathize, I make significantly dumb decisions myself - but white washing this choice while she did participate past the decision to go ahead, nah, I'm not convinced. She is not scum, she is not a saint, she is human. I remain not liking her choice (as if that mattered). I've had friends at stage four, the beginning and the end. Given the impact of the news of the mistress, she was probably just reactive. I get that. I still don't like the choice.