Fri 8 May, 2009 10:40 pm
My partner of 10 years left 6 months ago. I still love him. He is seeing someone else. He recently contacted me to talk about what we've both been going through, but I don't know if it was really that, or if he really just wanted to get something off his chest. It's hard to let go of such a long relationship. I have been in counselling and am learning a lot about myself. I still have feelings for him and unresolved feelings about our relationship. I don't know what to do. Stay friends or cut him out completely. He's someone I value dearly, but I am not ready to just be friends, despite his attempts. Any advice?
If you're not ready to be 'just friends', break the connection. My ex and I are good friends, but it took a decade or so to get there, and 800 miles separation don't hurt at all.