Has anyone here been to Oklahoma? who gives a **** if that patch of dirt secedes? (Eva, you can come to NC)
if you think about it, it's the people of oklahoma that want to secede, fine let them go, the land belongs to the country, let the citizens of oklahoma sell off their assets, get some plane tickets and secede their asses out of there
if i'm ever elected prime minister of canada this is how i'm gonna solve the quebec secession problem
What you are hearing is a growing frustration with politicians in DC that is only exacerbated by Obama.
I don't think any state or American really wants to secede, they just want big government to get out of the way.
Who is tearing US apart?
It seems to be the idiotic politicians in OK that are doing it and it has nothing to do with Obama.
When someone complains about the auto companies getting money at the same time they are taking 2.6 billion dollars, I don't have much respect for them. When you talk about politicians being self serving, the OK vote is the perfect example of that. A vote that lets them say they are standing for some idiotic principle while they never put anything on the line by doing it. No threat to secede. No requirement that they return the money the state is getting. It isn't just Texans that seem to be all hat and no cattle. Grow some balls OK or admit you are nothing but weasels.
H2O MAN wrote:
What you are hearing is a growing frustration with politicians in DC that is only exacerbated by Obama.
I don't think any state or American really wants to secede, they just want big government to get out of the way.
I don't see that at all. I see a bunch of people pissed that they are not in power so they are acting out like the children they are.
Woiyo9 wrote:
Guess what. BOTH PARTIES are incapable of representing their constituents
and members of BOTH PARTIES are only concerned about expanding the power and control.
Sounds like the political parties are pretty much united, then. So what's this tearing us apart stuff about?
Quote:parados wrote:
Who is tearing US apart?
Obama and the left.
No. We are pretty united.
((It is the GOP and the right who are being ripped to shreds

@ebrown p,
No, but thank you for your opinion.
Woiyo9 wrote:
Guess what. BOTH PARTIES are incapable of representing their constituents
and members of BOTH PARTIES are only concerned about expanding the power and control.
OK, I'm with you that in general, although I think there are individual representatives of both parties that have done reasonable jobs. So why are the folks in OK complaining now? Why not when Bush and company was bailing out Fannie Mae (for example)? Why is "Obama-nation" beginning to tear us apart when he's doing nothing that the last several administrations didn't do?
If the country continues to go to the left, I expect to hear a campaign slogan like (utilizing part of an earlier campaign slogan): A chicken in every pot, even if one does not have a pot to piss in!
Maybe because Obama is forcing States to "take" money with strings attached.
What state is FORCED to take money?
The USSC ruled in the 1980s when Reagan used federal money to incentivize actions by states that it was legal for the Feds to do that. Why are you suddenly upset about it 25 years later?
Woiyo9 wrote:
Maybe because Obama is forcing States to "take" money with strings attached.
Actually, I think you will find, if you look, that the State legislatures have nearly unanimously across the nation voted to accept these funds, no matter what the grand-standing governors might have said. Hardly what I would call 'forced.'
Not many politicians will walk away from handout with whatever strings are attached, especially at the State level.
Woiyo9 wrote:
Not many politicians will walk away from handout with whatever strings are attached, especially at the State level.
Surely however you must agree that you were incorrect when you stated the Obama admin 'forced' them to take the money. Right?
So, the fact that they won't walk away is tearing us apart?
Nothing like demagoguing the issue there Wioyo.
The Govt should not condition the "stimulus" use for programs the State can not afford.
Shut the **** up asshole.
i wish the government would FORCE me to take some money.