april1989 wrote:
im going to start off right into the point. i owe 530 dollars for my college payment. i dont have any money. i dont work, and my parents are in a tight situation too. im super stressed. i cant calm down. i feel a knot in my thoat and like someone punched me in my stomach. i need to pay it by the end of the week, or i cant take my finals. please help. what do i do?
First. You need to calm down. Working yourself into a panic will not resolve anything.
Second. Contact your creditor / college. Tell them that you have been unable to scrape the money together. Ask for an extension that would allow you to complete the semester and to pay off the debt by working a summer job.
Third. If they say no, consider your other options. Talk to your parents and explain that you don't have the money necessary to complete your semester. If they cannot help and you have no other friends or relatives that are in a position to help, what is the worst that can happen? You won't get credit for your semester.
Fourth. You learn a valuable lesson and you get on with your life. That might require that you get a job, live as economically as possible, and go back to school when you can afford to do so, i.e., when you have all your ducks lined up. Many people have to juggle school and work in order to get ahead in life. You can do it too.