But they did specifically mention animal rights activists in the left-wing report. I quoted it.
It didn't indicate an individual dedicated to a single issue is a potential extremist. It would have bothered me if it did.
Instead, the left wing report states, "It focuses on the more prominent leftwing groups within the animal rights, environmental, and anarchist extremist movements that promote or have conduct ed criminal or terrorist activities."
It goes on to name groups, and addresses left wing cyber attacks - particularly in the animal rights movement - by extremists.
Show me in this report where it labels an individual a potential extremist for "being dedicated to a single issue," as DHS did in the rightwing report?
But I think it's you and others who take offense who are doing the lumping. The report is just categorizing extremists. Folks who are upset about this report have reversed the logic in order to take offense -- because some extremists may be dedicated to a single issue, that must mean the government thinks those who are dedicated to a single issue are extremists. It's illogical.
Then you would agree that any liberal who believes in animal rights is a potential extremist? Logically, this should be your conclusion, based on your view of the DHS reports. Don't forget about those who support the green movement; obviously, by your reckoning, DHS should be notifying local law enforcement about these potential extremists, also.
I think you're choosing to include yourself in a report that warns about people who are nothing like you and who have nothing to do with you. I think you are choosing to identify with them. Identify does not equal support.
According to the report, "It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as______.
The thing is, fill in the blank. Either a liberal cause or conservative cause will do.
Do you feel comfortable with a federal law enforcement agency making such a statement? I don't, regardless if it is a cause from either side. I'm surprised you, professing individual and human rights, are ok with this.
But there has been no action. If agents start infiltrating peaceful political groups then I will be solidly in your corner. But you guys are flipping your lid over a stupid report that was not even requested by this administration, but the previous one. It smacks of paranoia.
Where does infiltration start and end? Is having an informant in PETA, for example, infiltration? Video taping those marching against the Iraq War is OK?
What actions of federal law enforcement tend to disturb you?
Notifying local law enforcement that any individual who is dedicated to a single issue is a potential extremist seems to be ok in your view. Yet you talk about individual liberty?